CAA's Worst Roads Campaign is Back!

CAA's Worst Roads Campaign is Back!

walking in the snow

April 7 to 27 are the dates of the 2021 CAA Worst Roads campaign. Motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcycle enthusiasts can cast their worst roads vote at The Top Ten Worst Roads will be revealed on April 28, 2021.

New to this year’s campaign is a Google Map Locater that will visualize vote distribution across the province. It will pinpoint the current locations of the nominated roads that are receiving votes. Weekly news releases will be provided by CAA listing the current top ten worst roads, as well as updated Google Map Locater results. Photos of nominated worst roads will be accepted, with a reminder for those submitting photos to do so in a safe environment.

CAA’s Worst Roads campaign took a hiatus in 2020 due to the challenges presented at the initial outbreak of COVID-19. This year’s campaign is planned, keeping in mind government restrictions and guidelines.

What exactly is a poor, very poor or worst road? According to Statistics Canada, these road conditions are defined as:

Poor: Failure likely and substantial work required in the short term. Asset barely serviceable. No immediate risk to health or safety. The operating asset has less than 40% of its expected service life remaining.

Very Poor: Immediate need to replace most or all the assets. There are health and safety hazards that present a possible risk to public safety, or the asset cannot be serviced or operated without risk to personnel. Major work or replacement is required urgently. The operating asset has less than 10% of its expected service life remaining.

The purpose of CAA’s Worst Roads campaign is to help highlight problem and dangerous road conditions in the province and to encourage decision makers to address those in most need of improvements. Working towards better roads and safety for all road users is a priority for CAA Saskatchewan.

For further information, contact:

Christine Niemczyk Director, Corporate Communications 

306.791.4327 |