CAA’s Slow Down Move Over Day Advocates for First Responders’ Safety

CAA’s Slow Down Move Over Day Advocates for First Responders’ Safety

May 10th, 2022 is CAA Slow Down Move Over Day, a national day of safety in observance and recognition of first responders working on our highways, including tow truck operators, police officers, paramedics, fire department crews, construction workers, and highway patrol staff. CAA Clubs across Canada have designated the second Tuesday in May annually, as Slow Down Move Over Day to bring attention to this important safety issue.

To heighten the awareness of safety for workers on our highways, CAA Saskatchewan has produced a 60 second safety message, in addition to a new, recently produced 15 second safety message with Chief Randy Schulz. The CAA Slow Down Move Over safety messages will run until the end of May to capture CAA Slow Down Move Over Day on May 10th, and to also serve as a safety reminder for Victoria Day long weekend road trip travellers.

The safety partners on the 60 second safety message include Chief Randy Schulz, White City Fire Department; Robert Dagenais, CAA Saskatchewan Tow Truck Operator; Brad Stratychuk, President, Roadside Responders Association; Keith Woytiuk, Director, Paramedic Services Chiefs of Saskatchewan; and Cst. Victoria Nicholls with RCMP “F” Division Traffic Services.

“Saskatchewan highways are not just highways,” said Randy Schulz. “The highways are our work zones that we’ve set up and marked to let motorists know that we’re on the job helping people who are expecting us to help them. For me, personally, I was involved in an accident in December 2021 while on duty. I was seriously injured, causing much stress and anxiety to not only myself and my family, but also for the medical responders on duty. I’m here to tell motorists to slow down move over. It’s a matter of life and death. Know the risks.”  Schulz’s personal testimonial has been produced into the new 15 second safety message.

Randy-Shulz“On a daily basis, we’re reminded of the dangers of our profession as first responders working on Saskatchewan roads,” adds Scott McIntyre, Vice President, CAA Saskatchewan Automotive and Roadside Assistance Services. “Motorists must respect tow truck operators, who are working to help keep them safe. At the end of their shifts, they want to return home to their loved ones. Remember: Slow to 60 km/h for all first responders working on Saskatchewan highways. Slow down move over: It’s the law. We thank our safety partners for joining CAA to emphasize the importance of Slow Down Move Over Day. This is an important safety message to apply not just today, but every day.”

Brad Stratychuk, President of Roadside Responders Association, added, “We’re constantly reminded of the dangers, knowing that in 2017, a tow operator was killed on duty during a blizzard while providing roadside assistance in the Esterhazy area. Providing service to our customers on the side of any road is a dangerous work zone. Education is key to get the information out and we are grateful to CAA for utilizing their network across Canada to help keep the men and women in our industry safe.”

Keith Woytiuk, Director with the Paramedic Services Chiefs of Saskatchewan, remarked, “when you see those flashing lights out on the roadside, think about the people that might be standing there too – slow down move over to keep us all safe.”

Cst. Victoria Nicholls with RCMP “F” Division Traffic Services has witnessed many motorists who speed by and don’t seem to notice her, or her colleagues parked on the highway, with their vehicle lights flashing. “Motorists will be fined should they not slow to 60 km/h when passing us working on the highway, 365 days a year, 24/7. But more importantly, when they don’t slow down and respect us, and our work zones, they are putting our lives and the lives of those we are helping, in jeopardy.”

The CAA Slow Down Move Over safety messages will be featured on CAA’s Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram, and also on our website.


For further information, contact:

Christine Niemczyk

Director, Corporate Communications & Public Relations

CAA Saskatchewan
