CAA Reminds All Road Users to Please Be Alert: Saskatchewan Students Return to School Starting September 8th

CAA Reminds All Road Users to Please Be Alert: Saskatchewan Students Return to School Starting September 8th

Thousands of Saskatchewan students will be returning to their classrooms, starting Tuesday, September 8th . Pedestrian, cyclist, and vehicular traffic will be on the increase in our school zones. According to CAA’s Christine Niemczyk, “It’s time to talk with our children about their safe routes to school, whether they ‘re walking cycling, being bused or driven by family or friends.”

To help keep our school zones safe, CAA has a few safety reminders:


Children Crossing Street

  • Always stop, look both ways, listen and think before safely crossing the street.
  • Children should never run out in traffic or between parked cars, buses, or buildings, use cell phones for texting, phoning, or playing games while walking or cycling.
  • Remember, keep your head up and be aware of your surroundings.
  • Make eye contact with the drivers before proceeding into the intersection.
  • Watch for CAA School Safety Patrollers on duty and follow their instructions.
  • Plan your child’s walking route to and from school and walk with them to better familiarize themselves with the school and surrounding area. Always have an older student or adult walk with younger children.
  • Walk on the sidewalk and cross at street corners with traffic lights or at a crosswalk only.
  • Good walking gear is important including comfortable shoes with traction.

Parents & Guardians of students using school buses or personal vehicles:

  • Know your route and talk with the school administrator in advance to determine drop off, pick-up, no stopping and parking zones.
  • Park a couple of blocks way to avoid traffic congestion and safely walk the rest of the way with your children.
  • Do not park illegally.
  • Help your kids be on time for pick-ups, while waiting in a safe place that’s well back from the edge of the road.
  • Remind students to cross in front of the bus and never behind. They should always stay seated facing forward.


  • Maintain your speed according to the posted speed limit.
  • Check with your municipality for speed limits and regulation times in school zones, parks, and playgrounds.
  • According to a CAA Study in July 2020, 59% of Canadians reported an increase in dangerous driving during COVID-19 restrictions. Speeding drivers top the list, and other top observed behaviours include aggressive driving, drivers using or talking on their phones behind the wheel, and reckless driving.
  • Eliminate distracted driving. Put down that coffee or phone and keep your eyes on the road.
  • Texting is especially risky as drivers who text are 23 times more likely to be in a crash or near-collision event.
  • Always stop for the buses’ flashing lights and wait for children to get safely on or off. Stay alert and watch for children or parents crossing the road when the bus moves on.
  • Be patient. Sometimes pedestrians no matter what age, need a little more time to safely cross at intersections.


  • Always signal and share your intentions with others on the road.
  • Children should wear a properly fitted helmet while cycling.
  • Never ride your bicycle while wearing headphones or using your phone for texting or gaming.
  • Be alert and aware of your surroundings.
  • Practice cyclist’s safety signals and obey the rules of the road.

For further information, contact:

Christine Niemczyk, Director of Communications | CAA Saskatchewan

306.791.4327 | | 

CAA Saskatchewan is member based, offering benefits and services through its non-profit motor club and its travel and insurance agencies, plus the CAA Car Care Centre at Regina Battery Depot. CAA is a trusted safety advocates for motorists, travellers, cyclists, and pedestrians, providing consumer education while supporting traffic safety programs.